Diverse Experiences of Farming

Lisa VonkUncategorized Leave a Comment

Diverse Experiences of Farming surveyed and interviewed over 1,300 New Zealanders, and asked them – urban and rural – what they really think about farming. The results might surprise you! PERC member Alice Beban is involved with an interactive exhibit being hosted at the Palmerston North City Library from November 13, 2023 telling the diverse stories of our connections with …

Historic Commitment To Tackle Plastic Pollution

Lisa VonkUncategorized Leave a Comment

PERC is ecstatic with the news that representatives from 175 nations at the UN Environment Assembly in Kenya have endorsed an historic resolution to end plastic pollution and develop a legally binding treaty by 2024. PERC co-director Trisia Farrelly says “that this is a historic moment that we have been building up to for years. The scope of the mandate …

PERC’s Contribution to the Plastic Management Index

Romilly CummingUncategorized Leave a Comment

Back to Blue, an ocean health initiative of Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation, has released a report introducing the Plastics Management Index (PMI). Plastics Management Index: Evaluating effective management and sustainable use of plastics is based on two global surveys and an index that ranks 25 countries across 44 indicators across three pillars (governance, systemic capacity and stakeholder engagement). …

Plastic Pollution Experts Call For A More Ambitious And Comprehensive National Plastics Action Plan

Lisa VonkUncategorized Leave a Comment

Three New Zealand organisations working to prevent and mitigate plastic pollution, Para Kore, Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance (APPA) and the New Zealand Product Stewardship Council (NZPSC) welcome the Ministry for the Environment’s recently-released National Plastics Action Plan, but say it could go much further. PERC co-director and Co-Founder/Trustee of APPA and NZPSC, Trisia Farrelly, says The Plan begins rightfully noting …

PUBLICATION: Plastic Legacies

Lisa VonkPlastics, Publication, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Emerging from the fully online 2017 conference ‘The Lives and Afterlives of Plastics‘ is the open-access book Plastic Legacies. Edited by PERC co-directors Trisia Farrelly, Sy Taffel with Professor Ian Shaw, the volume brings together scholars from the fields of marine biology, psychology, anthropology, environmental studies, Indigenous studies, and media studies to investigate and address the urgent socio-ecological challenges brought …

Webinar: Working towards a global plastic pollution treaty: Process and possibilities

Romilly CummingUncategorized Leave a Comment

Over 130 countries have declared support for a global agreement to combat marine litter and microplastics. There are numerous processes underway to build momentum towards an ambitious global plastics agreement at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5.2 in February 2022. For further information see this Science article advocating for a binding global agreement to address the life cycle of …

Plastic Pollution: is there a role for the WTO?

Lisa VonkUncategorized Leave a Comment

In late June, PERC co-director Trisia Farrelly was part of a delegation presenting “Plastic Pollution: is there a role for the WTO? Pacific Islands trade related experiences and capacity needs” to members of the Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The presentation was part of the Informal Dialogue on Plastics Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics …

Webinar: A ‘Whole of society’ response

Lisa VonkUncategorized Leave a Comment

  A Whole of Society Response: Te Moananui (Oceania) Non-State Actors and the Plastic Pollution Crisis The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) are convening a webinar exploring a whole-of-society’ approach to plastic pollution in the Pacific. Speakers include PERC co-director Trisia Farrelly and researcher, scholar …

Living with the Climate Crisis: Upcoming Panel Discussion in Papaioea, Palmerston North

Romilly CummingUncategorized Leave a Comment

On Friday 16 April, 6pm-7.30pm, Bruce McKenzie Booksellers is hosting a panel discussion about living with the climate crisis. The panel features: Teanau Tuiono (Greens MP) and contributors Maia Ingoe (writer, climate activist), Ingrid Horrocks (PERC member, Massey University’s School of Humanities, Media and Creative Communication) and Aroha Spinks (WWF NZ). The evening includes short readings from the recent BWB Text publication, Living with the Climate Crisis: Voices from Aotearoa (edited by PERC member Tom …