PERC Lunchtime seminars

Lisa VonkEvents, PERC members, Plastics, Political Ecology

PERC is hosting two lunchtime seminars with visiting scholars this week. Recordings will be made available on the website soon after.

Join the online events here.

We hope to see you there!

Plastics and Planetary Boundaries with Patricia Villarrubia-Gómez

Wednesday 9 August, 12 – 1pm NZST 

In person Massey SST 3.07 and online 

In this lunchtime event, Patricia will be presenting her research on plastics pollution and facilitating an audience discussion. She will discuss the links of plastics with Earth System Governance and Planetary Boundaries, as well as her ongoing work to try to understand the science-policy-society interfaces. She will consider the power dynamics of the Plastics Treaty through the lens of intersectionality and environmental justice. Learn more about the event

Patricia is a PhD candidate doing a collaborative project with the Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University) and Gothenburg University in Sweden. She is grateful for the mentorship of Marcus Eriksen at 5 Gyres Institute (US) and Trisia Farrelly at Massey University. Patricia is a member of the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. She is a values-based researcher and sees science communication as a pivotal part of her research to reach broader audiences. 

‘Extended Producer Responsibility’, ‘Circular Economy’ and ‘Recycling’ in Indian Plastic Waste Management Policy with Aarti Latkar

Thursday 10 August, 12 PM – 1 PM NZST
In person Massey SST 3.07 and online

This presentation reports on ethnographic research based in two sites in India: an EPR-focused conference in Mumbai and a migrant workers’ settlement in Telangana. The study found that informal small scale plastic recyclers tend to be marginalized because of the ways ‘extended producer responsibility’, ‘circular economy’ and ‘recycling’ are framed in the policy and interpreted by industry. The research raises questions about ‘what is valued’ within the framings of circular economy for plastics in local and other contexts including current global plastics treaty negotiations. Learn more about the event

Aarti is a doctoral student supervised by Gauri Pathak in the School for Culture and Society at Aarhus University, currently a visiting scholar at Massey University. Aarti’s thesis explores materialities, socialities and politics of plastics in Indian towns using ethnographic methods. Aarti has previously worked on academic projects as a research associate in the domains of education and climate change in Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay and Hyderabad.