Thursday 20 August
15:00 – 16:30 Samoan Time (WST)
14:00 – 15:30 NZST
As the scale of the plastic crisis is being increasingly documented, it is already clear that the large-ocean small-island developing states of the Pacific will pay a disproportionately heavy price for its ecological, economic, social, cultural and health impacts.
- How are the Pacific island nations responding to the global plastic crisis? Have the measures taken having the expected results?
- What are the regional initiatives in place to address plastic pollution?
- Would the plastic pollution problem in the Pacific benefit from a global solution?
- How can Pacific voices be heard for the safeguard of their interests in the upcoming UNEA negotiations towards a plastic global agreement?
These are some of the questions that the Pacific panelists will address at a 90-minute webinar organised by a coalition of non-state actors in partnership with SPREP.
Confirmed speakers include:
Kosi Latu – Director General, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Dr. Trisia Farrelly – Massey University’s Political Ecology Research Centre
State Representative – TBC
State Representative – TBC
Various Interventions