Plastics Publications

full reference list

Steenhagen, E., Sascha, F., Farrelly, T., Stephanie, B., & Ana, R. G. (2023). Plastic Pollution Prevention in Timor-Leste: Gap Analysis of Current Legislation, Policies, and Plans.

Simon, N., Raubenheimer, K., Urho, N., Unger, S., Azoulay, D., Farrelly, T., ... & Weiand, L. (2021). A binding global agreement to address the life cycle of plastics. Science373(6550), 43-47.

Farrelly, T.A., Taffel, S., and Shaw, I.C. (Eds.) (in press) Plastic Legacies: Politics, Persistence, and Pollution.  Athabasca, Canada: Athabasca University Press.

Farrelly, T. A., Borrelle, S.B., & Fuller, S. (2021). The strengths and weaknesses of pacific islands plastic pollution policy frameworks. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(3), 1-42.

Croft, F. & Farrelly, T. (2021). Tackling Plastic Pollution in New Zealand's Fin Fishing Industry. London: The Association of Commonwealth Universities [Technical Report].

Hannon, J. (2020). Exploring and Illustrating the (Inter-)Disciplinarity of Waste and Zero Waste Management. Urban Science, 73(4).

Farrelly, T., Borrelle, S. & Fuller, S. (2020). Plastic pollution prevention in Pacific Islands: Gap Analysis of Current Legislation, Policies and Plans. EIA [Commissioned Report].

Croft, F. & Farrelly, T. (2020). Tackling plastic pollution in the commercial fishing industry (fin-fish supply chain). Case Study: Moana New Zealand. Association of Commonwealth Universities
[Commissioned Report]

Farrelly, T., & Green, L. (2020). The Global Plastic Pollution Crisis: How Should New Zealand Respond? Policy Quarterly 16(2), 67-75.

Farrelly, T., Borrelle, S.B. & Fuller, S. (2020, December). Plastic Pollution Prevention in Pacific Large Ocean Island Developing States (LOSIDS). Retrieved from

Clunies-Ross, P. (2019). Plastics in the Environment: Te Ao Hurihuri – The Changing World Evidence Summary. Royal Society Te Aparangi
[Commissioned Report]. Contributed to by: Farrelly, T. 

Farrelly, T. (2019, December). Panel - Navigating Plastic Pollution in Aotearoa. My topic: status quo, policies and false solutions. In The NZ public. Presented at Te Papa [Oral Presentation].

Farrelly, T. (2019, December). Plastic Pork n' Puha: Plastics in food contact materials and food production in Aotearoa. Presented at Agrifoods [Conference Oral Presentation].

Farrelly, T. (2019, September). Plastics and Food Packaging: National Policy and Legislation. In Chines Food and Drug Authority. Presented at Massey University RC2.123 [Oral Presentation]

Farrelly, T. (2019, June). New Zealand's role in international plastic pollution governance. In Environment Network Manawatū and the Palmy Plastic Pollution Challenge. Presented at Te Manawa.

Blake, V., Farrelly, T., & Hannon, J. (2019). Is Voluntary Product Stewardship for E-Waste Working in New Zealand? A Whangarei Case Study. Sustainability11(11), 3063.

Farrelly, T. A., & Shaw, I.C. (2017). Polystyrene as hazardous household waste. In Hazardous Household Waste Management (pp. 45 - 60). Intech.