Conviviality Convenors

Serena Stein is an anthropologist who investigates agrarian and environmental change, critical development studies, and technology studies in southern Africa and Brazil. She has worked on issues pertaining to plantation economies, commodity frontiers, and multispecies communities, while also living and farming with traditional, commercial, and indigenous agriculturalists. Her current research centres on opportunistic markets, technologies, and relations under climate change, examining carbon soil sequestration, or carbon banking, in regenerative agriculture. She also co-leads a transregional research and advocacy collaborative working across the Indian Ocean on issues of port expansion, mangrove ecologies, and agrarian livelihoods. Serena is a Researcher in the Sociology of Development and Change and Rural Sociology Groups at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Sita Venkateswar is Programme Coordinator and Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology programme at Massey University. She is also Associate Director of the New Zealand India Research Institute. Her current research interests include agroecological, regenerative and multispecies approaches to farming and food futures. She applies intersectional and decolonising research methodologies within contemporary contexts of Aotearoa New Zealand and South Asia.
Click here to read more about Sita's research project, 'Farm to Flourish', here to follow along on Facebook and here for Instagram.