Pasts and futures stream: Colonialism, culture, postextraction imaginaries

Panel 1: Feminist political ecology, gender, feminism, social reproduction 

Chair Alice Beban

Extracting Us

Rebecca Elmhirst, Siti Maimunah, Elona Hoover, Dian Ekowati and Alice Owen

Between love and rape of the Pachamama

Irma Beusink

Gendered, aged and classed-based 'ecologies of exhaustion' in Tajikistan's Coal Mines: Pathways towards a feminist decolonial Political ecology of extractive violence

Negar Elodie Behzadi

An ethnographic study of women’s modes of decolonising the effects of large-scale mining in Sierra Leone

Jess Jones

Social reproduction in the extractive state: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Cambodia

Alice Beban and Jo Bourke-Martignogni

Panel 2: The long shadow of colonialism 

Chair Laura Jean McKay

After Gold: The long shadow of colonial mining in Australia

Susan Lawrence, Peter Davies and Lillian Pearce

(Post)Colonial adventures in mining: The portrayal of mine exploration in North American reality television

Brian Leech

Art, extraction the ecoterritorial turn

Paula Serafini

Re-reading the Gas Imaginary

Astrid Lorange, Andrew Brooks

Panel 3: Cultures of extraction: From the lunar commons to refugees and tourism 

Chair Nick Holm

A High-Tech Appetite for Extraction: Mining the Lunar Commons

Katarina Damjanov and David Crouch

Cultures of extraction: Frontiers of value

Graeme MacRae

From Phosphate to Refugee Extractivism: The Offshore Refugee Industry in the Republic of Nauru

Julia Morris

Disappearing Landscapes: Theorizing ‘Last-Chance’ Tourism and Media Discourses

Doug Tewksbury, Liam Cuddy, Michel DePietro, Brittany Rosso and Claire Wander

Airbnb: Extracting the ‘social’ from the lives of Airbnb hosts

Stella Pennell

Panel 4: Futures and post-extractive imaginaries 

Chair Sy Taffel

Learning togetherness and caring while the planet burns

Daina Pupkevičiūtė

Energy commons

Matthew Burke

Beyond extractivism and the corporate sublime

Jane Patton and Imani Jacqueline Brown

Authoritarian affect and the rise of neo-mercantile government

Majia Nadesan