Extractive industry, governance, policy stream

Panel 1: The extractive industry 

Chair Glenn Banks

Drilling into the New Zealand petroleum industry’s ‘Predatory Delay’ campaign

Terrence M Loomis

‘The hole in the ground that cannot be moved’: Political Risk, race & mining finance

Paul Robert Gilbert and Maria Dyveke Styve

Confronting the convention: The planetary mine and extractive power

Devin Holterman and Christopher Alton

Panel 2: Governing extraction: Mines and what is left behind 

Chair Tom Doig

Film: Blinman Slag

Grayson Cooke

Of Earth – For Earth

Kathryn Moore and Dana Finch

Extracting closure: Regulating mine rehabilitation in Australia and Canada

Lisa Mills

Navigating shifts in the governance of natural resources: the environmental impacts of mining in Brazil – creating new ‘veins’ or channels through policy?

Alexandra Mallett

Panel 3: Policy for sustainable mining 

Chair Glenn Banks

A new vision of and recommendations for sustainable management in mining and post-mining landscapes

Nadine V. Gerner, Gerdhard L. Jessen, Anna Cord, Robert Lepenies, Diego Pujoni, Pedro Val, Kelly Whaley-Martin and Jan Nissen

The future of extractive industries: Understanding and analysing mining sector reforms in Sub Saharan Africa

Cindy Wilhelm

Sustainable, technology-driven, whole-system approaches to small-scale mining in the 21st century

Kathryn Moore, Olga Sidorenko and Rauno Sairinen

The key to unlocking the SDGs for the mining sector in Latin America: local partnerships and dialogue

Yanina Kowszyk and Rajiv Maher